Kidney Disease

There are many symptoms which indicate that the kidneys are not functioning properly. We have mentioned some of them already such as fatigue, dizziness, fluctuations in weight, nausea and vomiting. However, it is possible not to experience any of these symptoms and still be losing kidney function. If any of these symptoms occur singly or in any combination,, consult your physician immediately. Initially, medications and a low protein diet may be prescribed by your physician. If the kidneys continue to lose their ability to function adequately, kidney failure may result.


·         No symptoms till almost 80% of the kidneys are damaged.
·         Getting up in the night to pass urine especially in the young.
·         Swelling of parts of the body, particularly around the eyes, ankles and wrists.
·         Lower back pain, where the kidneys are located.
·         Burning sensation during urination.
·         Bloody, foamy or coffee-coloured urine.
·         High blood pressure.
·         Changes in the frequency of urination and/or in urine colour.